Production Assistant Engineer|Foreign students who graduated in Taiwan & New immigrant

Apply Nationality Others - Indonesia
Type Full-time job
Identity Foreign students who graduated in Taiwan, New Immigrants - Naturalized
Demand Number of Employee 10
Apply Category Operation / Technical personnel
Other Filters Monthly Salary Above NT$30,000, Work Overtime Often, Can work in shifts, Inexperienced Acceptable, Proficient in Chinese
Salary Range Monthly Salary 32000 ~ 43000 Discuss Personally
Working Time Day shift:08:00~16:00
Night shift:16:00~24:00
Graveyard shift:24:00~08:00
Shift System Work in Shift
Job Description ★提供宿舍、薪資上看43k(含輪班津貼、加班費)★

1. DCS操作。
2. 現場設備拆檢、現場環境整理。
3. 配合現常需求出勤調整上班。
4. 主管、班長所交辦事項。

【提供員工宿舍 兩人一室】
【提供中壢至廠 交通車】
Employees Benefits Labor Insurance, Health Insurance, Labor retirement contributions, Special Day-off, Occupational disaster insurance, Year-end Bonus, Three Special Holidays Bonus / Gift, Professional Certificate Bonus, Special Holiday Bonus / Gift, Meal Allowance, Employee Group Insurance, Employee physical examination, Employee Advanced Study Grant, Company trip, Menstruation Leave, Parental leave, Maternity leave
Other Benefits Legal Items:
Lactation room, family care leave, labor insurance, health insurance, paternity leave, maternity leave, special leave, parental leave, female menstrual leave, labor pension contribution, bed rest leave, prenatal check-up leave, employment insurance, employee health check-up, work injury insurance.

Other Benefits:
Year-end bonus, professional certification, maternity allowance, club subsidies, employee training subsidies, children’s education scholarships, travel subsidies, foreign language learning subsidies, more than the legal annual leave, employee group insurance.
Environment picture
Contact Information
Contact Person Apply on Cai DuoDuo Job Bank only
Explanation Apply on Cai DuoDuo Job Bank only
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